Taking Care of Your Mental Wellbeing

Try to take as much action as possible to ensure your mental health won’t suffer during this time.
Here are some tips on how to take care of your mental wellbeing.
1. Connect with People without Meeting Them
As you may already be aware, it’s recommended to stay at home and avoid physical contact with other people as much as possible.
Larger groups shouldn’t meet at all. Luckily, with modern technology, we can easily connect with others online.
2. Set up a Routine
For people who stay at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, it might feel slightly chaotic to stay at home for such a long period.
Therefore it’s important that we set up a routine and stick to it to prevent us from becoming lazy and depressed.
It would be a great idea to devise a plan and write it down, and then try to stick to it on a daily basis.
3. Physical Activity is Key
Try to stay as active as you can. You can exercise at home, even without equipment. Try to follow online videos, there’s a lot of resources for that.
Additionally, now you will have time to clean your home and do your chores, which is a good form of activity. Go for walks in nature, and try to sit less.
4. Go Out into Nature and Get Some Air
Get as much sunlight as you can, especially if you live in an area where there’s an opportunity to go out into nature. Go for walks, grab some fresh air, and expose yourself to sunlight.
Getting enough vitamins not just during the COVID-19 outbreak, but at all times, is crucial for a stronger immune system and mental wellbeing.
5. Work or Study from Home
You might be instructed to do that, but prepare yourself properly. Make a working environment where you’ll be able to focus on your work. It might be hard to do that, especially if you have children to care for.
Try to keep them as busy as possible – make sure they do their homework and avoid other children. For employees working from home, read everything about your rights and ask the employer about the policies.
6. Keep Yourself Busy
Now that we will have more time to spend, make sure you keep yourself busy. Do activities, clean your home, have a clear out, sort your computer files, photos, or anything that needs sorting.
7. Keep Your Brain Challenged
Read books, magazines, articles, online material, solve puzzles or crosswords, watch shows or films, listen to podcasts. Anything that will keep your mind busy and your thoughts free of the coronavirus.
8. If You Start Feeling Claustrophobic
Open your windows, get out of the house and grab some fresh air. You can do the chores on your garden, or even look out your window more often to get a sense of space. Change rooms you’re in often.
9. Limit Your Media Diet
Being informed about the coronavirus spread is helpful, although excessive worrying about it doesn’t help your mental health.
Especially if you watch the news or listen to the radio, where almost the only thing that’s talked about is the COVID-19 spread. Keep a balance between being informed and excessively following the news.
Too much information every day can become stressful. Check the news once or twice a day, which is more than enough to get the latest news.
Plus, limit your time you spend on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, where everyone shares their thoughts and feelings on the novel coronavirus.
For more have a look at our website https://www.rehab4addiction.co.uk/coronavirus/mental-health-coronavirus