
There is a definite change in the air and as the end of the school holidays approach, the return to routine is imminent. In September many people flock to their local Leisure Centre or Gym and pick up their fitness campaign again. So what is going to tempt you in your bid for fitness? Do you like class type exercise or would you prefer to be in the gym working on your own? There is so much choice nowadays that perhaps people do not know where to start. Have you been glued to the TV this month watching Team GB at the Olympics, did it inspire you to take up a sport or just get off the settee and start moving.
So what type of exercise would you like to participate in? After watching the cyclists then I am sure some people would feel that they too would like to see and feel the benefits that can be attained by cycling. Riding on the road (or off-road) isn’t for everyone and some do not have the confidence to cycle amongst traffic. If this is the case or like me you are a fair weather cyclist, then Spinning® is a fantastic workout.
Spinning® was created 26 years ago by two cyclists, they devised an indoor cycling experience, initially from a garage in Santa Monica, Calfornia. From those humble beginnings it is now taught in over 80 countries.
I went to my first Spin class about 15 years ago and I must confess I wasn’t too keen – it was hard and the saddle not too comfortable. I found it difficult to walk for a few days after, the sign of muscles not worked in that way for a long time. However, I did feel better for it and was keen to try it again. It wasn’t long before I was hooked and over the next few months began to feel the benefits plus see the physical changes. Also the bikes have improved over the years and are now much more comfortable.
The great attraction about these classes is that they are suitable for everyone giving you the opportunity to workout at your own pace. There is no competition on the bike, it is your ride. It is ideal for those of you who may not be comfortable in environments where you have to keep in time to the music or a routine. No one knows what level you are working at, so there is no pressure on an individual to keep up with anyone else in the room. You are encouraged to work at your own pace, which will enable you to progress at your own speed. Spinning keeps the pressure off the knees and feet, it gives a good workout for those who cannot use the treadmill or take part in Hi Impact Classes. It doesn’t take long before you begin to see the changes in the shape of your body. Three classes a week will yield a difference in the shapely appearance of your legs. But, not only your legs, it is also your bottom and abdominals which will reap the rewards and transformation. Overtime you will feel your entire body begin to tone up. Spinning® classes can burn on average 500-600 calories although it isn’t all about the calories and weight loss, this exercise improves heart health, improved lung capacity, plus mental health.
There is a fantastic buzz in the class, everyone sits together and there is a comfort in being part of a team, but at the same time you can just focus on the ride and let your mind forget the problems or worries of the day. The warm up and cool down are a great way to simply channel your mind on the class, getting the feel of the bike. The music accompanying the ride can inspire you to push yourself and challenge yourself in a way that makes you leave the studio with a fitness high. You will feed off the energy in the room and if you arrived tired and fatigued, I can guarantee you will leave feeling energised and positive. Spinning® really does give you a more can do attitude to life.
Linder x