Running your own business, fed up of the paperwork?

If you are a small business owner there is a requirement for you to keep an accurate record of your income and expenses to be able to file your returns to HMRC and Annual Accounts to Companies House.
Maintaining accurate and current records of your finances, throughout the trading year, also helps you to manage your business cashflow and make smarter investment decisions.
At Pure Mentem we recognise that many Sole Traders and smaller businesses are often too busy with the day to day running of their business to devote significant time to maintaining these records.
Furthermore, knowing how to correctly record and classify income and expenses to conform with legislation and accounting conventions requires specialist knowledge, which many business owners don’t possess.
Our friendly, personal, bookkeeping service, is undertaken by qualified, fully insured, licensed, AAT Bookkeepers and is designed to help you in this task. Offering everything from advice and setup to a full ‘turnkey’ solution.
We apply our specialist knowledge of the latest accounting software, accounting conventions and legislation, to help you prepare and maintain this paperwork. Providing you with the information you need, to help you make smarter decisions. All whilst keeping your costs down by doing the ‘heavy lifting’ for your Accountant.
Our services are charged on a time and materials basis and undertaken either from our office or your location, with estimates for the work provided up front.
Why not get in touch on 0330 133 1270 or via to find out more.