Woodland Trust – Preston
The Woodland Trust owns and cares for a cluster of nine woods in the Fulwood area of Preston. These range from tiny Moss Leach, which is home to the scheduled ancient monument of Cromwell’s Mound, to Masons Wood, a beautiful ancient woodland with mature trees and a rich bird life, and Sandybrook, which is popular with dog walkers and joggers.
The woods are valuable for people and wildlife and we’re committed to ensuring they’re accessible and welcoming. That’s why we’re planning to embark on a major project to improve their paths, bridges, entrances and signage. We also want to provide opportunities for local people to engage with the woods, through a programme of fun events.
We’ll be putting together a large funding bid to raise the funds to make this happen – and we need your feedback on the woods and how you use them. Even if you don’t visit them currently, we’d love to know why not and what might encourage you to get out and explore.
It’d be great if you could spare a few minutes to complete our survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Woodlandvisitfeedback, email wopsmail@woodlandtrust.org.uk, or call 0343 770 5782 with your thoughts. Every comment will help shape our plans and support our bid for funding.
The Trust owns and manages over 1,000 woods across the UK, covering over 22,500 hectares. You can become a member, to help safeguard local woods for future generations and plant more trees, by visiting woodlandtrust.org.uk/support-us