Winter Foot Care

Winter is here and it’s time to take steps to protect your feet against the cold. People tend to remember their feet in the summer when they are more exposed but it’s just as important to care for your feet in the winter.
Keep your feet warm
Chilblains are caused by feet getting chilled especially in combination with pressure, usually from tight shoes. Warming feet too quickly can also make things worse. As the outside temperature drops, keeping your feet warm is often tricky. However, it is easier to keep your feet warm if your legs are also kept warm. Long socks, especially with
wool in them, or thick, wooly tights can help keep the heat in the bloodstream as it travels towards the feet. There are also creams that can be applied to help warm the surface of the skin. They can be used to prevent chilblains and also help relieve the symptoms.
Keep your feet moisturised
Icy weather and central heating can dry your skin out. Heel cracks are painful and difficult to heal but a good moisturiser, applied daily, can give the skin elasticity and prevent cracks.
Walk safely
When choosing your shoes, make sure they are appropriate for the weather conditions. When it’s snowy or icy, wear shoes that give good ankle support and have a sole that will grip the ground. The Foot Room also stock Yaktrax ice-grips which can be used on the outside of a shoe to provide extra traction.
If you have any foot problems don’t delay… Excellent advice and treatment is available at The Foot Room. Book your appointment now 01772 378812
The Foot Room would like to wish all of our customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year