Thornley School Reunion

Thornley School Reunion – Sunday 16th September.
The school will be open from 1.00pm – 2.00pm and then
from 2.15pm at Ferrari’s County House Hotel for a hot & cold buffet.
The tickets are £12.50 each – available from myself.
The reunion is for all past pupils, parents, partners and anyone with connections to the school – all welcome.
There will be a raffle on the day – to raise money for Thornley Community Space, who are involved in turning it back into a community centre for the local community – raffle prizes to be donated on the day.
There will be display boards and tables for anyone to bring along photos and memorabilia to share with everyone.
Brief history of the school.
The school had been open for 98 yrs when it had to close in 1978, when it closed there were 48 pupils attending the school.
The school was built by the local people using stone from local quarries.
Photos – including one of the last pupils attending the school in 1978 and others of former pupils
There is a Facebook Group – Thornley School 40 Year Reunion, which is
updated regularly.