Local Counsellor keeps pace with rising demand

‘Hi, I’m Charlotte. Come in – can I get you a brew?’ She has a friendly smile and her warmth immediately puts me at ease.
We sit in the consulting room – a light, airy room in a Victorian house on Black Bull Lane. Charlotte says, ‘It’s been a great location for us. It’s easy to find and quite busy which helps clients feel anonymous. It’s tough to come to counselling for the first time so I do everything I can to ease that.’
‘The room needed to be as nice as possible. After seeing clients in a windowless room at SureStart, it was a real joy to plan it! It’s also great to have my books here.’ I spot ‘The Chimp Paradox’ (by the Sky cycling psychologist) and Charlotte points out another. ‘This is excellent for anxiety and alcoholism, two of my specialisms.’
Charlotte and her partner Stuart Lambley (who also works at UCLan) set up the therapy practice about three years ago. ‘We’ve been amazed at the demand – for individuals and for couples counselling. People are desperate to feel happier.’
‘I love this work, the vast majority of our clients get better and it’s amazing to see someone improve.’
‘People want to be understood and accepted. Lots of people are quite down but don’t know why. We often see clients who’ve had bad experiences with other professionals; I try to help them have more faith in themselves.’
Initially a person-centred counsellor, Charlotte now combines this with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (she is also a clinical supervisor).
‘I really love this work, the vast majority of our clients get better; it’s amazing to see someone withdrawn, perhaps unable to work – then in a few months, they’re smiling, doing a new hobby, their partner says they’re much better.’
And one final question – what’s the most rewarding aspect to your work?
‘I think it’s when you get letters from previous clients – one said, “It helped so much to talk. I felt you understood me – you listened without judging, and that made all the difference.” And that meant the world to me.’
Charlotte Hubback of Scott’s Wood Therapy & Counselling is a Registered Member of the BACP. Day, evening and Saturday sessions available