It’s time to bring your lawns to life

We all like to have a nice green weed free lawn but with the non- stop rainfall in the region since Autumn water-logging can pose a challenge to many lawns. High rainfall leaches out nutrients causing the grass to turn yellow. Grass is resistant and will usually recover but a little help goes a long way.
Below are a few tips to help you plan and revitalise your lawns.
Firstly Prepare
Rake off any debris, dead leaves etc with a flat tined plastic rake, then go over with an electric rake to remove more debris and moss. Following this, fork the lawn. These actions ensure airflow is moving around the grass plants and reduce the compaction beneath the surface, allowing better surface drainage and giving the plants an improved environment in which to thrive.
Consider the plants and bushes around the edges of the lawns. If any are over-hanging and casting shade trim back to allow sunlight to the grass, an essential element for growth.
The First Cut
The first cut should be high, just topping the sward to stimulate growth. Cutting lower than this will put the grass plants back into stress and slow the growth. Ensure your mower blades are sharp as blunt blades cause bruising and torn leaves which can look unsightly. As the temperature increases drop the blades to 2.5cm (1”approx) and cut weekly. Lower than this will encourage moss and weeds.
Add Nutrients
Apply a feed and weed dressing evenly over the lawn to stimulate growth (Follow the manufacturer’s instructions). If the additive includes a moss retardant avoid getting the pellets on hard surfaces as it may cause an orange coloured staining.
Undertake any Repairs
Check for bald patches and broken borders. These can all be repaired when the temperature reaches 8 degrees with a mixture of topsoil, sand and seed. (Small bags are now available from garden centres containing a pre-prepared mixture.) After applying the mixture firm down to create contact between the seed and soil and keep moist until germination occurs.
Relax… or Need Help?
Time to relax, or if in doubt, call the professionals. GreenThumb has been operating in this area for over 15 years and can draw on its wealth of local knowledge to offer advice and recommend lawn care treatments using qualified staff, specially prepared additives and professional equipment .